Beehiiv: Transformative Platform Empowering Collaboration

Beehiiv: Transformative Platform Empowering Collaboration

Do you want to use one of the most impressive platforms to send your company newsletter to all of your customers? Beehiiv has everything you need.

Email marketing is still one of the most important and useful ways to gain the attention of your audience and customers. This is easily one of the most impactful ways to reach a large group. Instead of depending on one person to handle all your marketing needs, utilize a platform that empowers and encourages collaboration between departments.

Here are several ways Beehiiv can help your team send out your regular newsletters and email marketing campaigns.

Reach a large but personalized audience

Your audience is only limited to your company’s email list. There aren’t any algorithms or geographic boundaries to worry about when it comes to reaching your audience through email channels. Many consumers are more apt to read your emails if they signed up for your newsletters at some point in the past. The email list can be sectioned into various categories to ensure the right audience receives your marketing information. This means your messages are personalized to your customers.

Can you monetize your emails?

It doesn’t cost a lot to send out emails to your list, and when you utilize Beehiiv, you’ve got an opportunity to take advantage of affiliate marketing efforts. This means adding links in your emails for affiliate companies that will pay you a commission when a subscriber uses your link to make a purchase. If your company has earned the trust of your email list, you want to recommend products that you know appeal to your audience and provide them with items they can actually use.

Take your conversion rates to new heights

Your marketing efforts should generate revenue by reaching a large audience and enticing them to click on your links and buy products you’ve got available for them. Email marketing is still one of the top choices when it comes to converting leads into sales. The low cost of this type of marketing, coupled with receiver control, makes it easy to see how those on your email list will be more likely to click on a link or purchase from your company based on information found in the email newsletter you send them.

Easily measurable results

Forget the old-school method of marketing; when you use Beehiiv and send out emails to your list, you can track the progress and success or failure of every effort. Old-school marketing was more of a process of tossing noodles at the wall to see what might stick. Even then, many marketing efforts were unproven because they required direct consumer feedback at the point of sale. With digital marketing strategies, you’ll have the desired information at your fingertips in reports that show successful strategies and failing efforts.

Create a schedule and drip a few emails in the box

One of the most important ways to utilize email marketing is by scheduling your emails to go out at specific times and dates. It’s also important to drip a few emails in your subscribers’ inboxes over a period of time rather than bombarding them with a ton of messages all at once. Sending too many emails at one time, or in a short time, is a surefire way to get your company put in the spam folder, never to be seen from again.

Do your customers trust your brand?

When your subscribers see your emails how do they react? Are most emails opened and reviewed or does your company end up in the spam folder more often than not. Using Beehiiv gives you team the collaborative approach necessary to test products, create informative articles, and provide your customers with resources that can make your company one of the most trusted brands in their inboxes. Let your team work together to figure out what you should include in your email marketing and what should be left out.

Make your emails sharable

One way to increase your audience is to allow your current subscribers to share and forward your emails to their friends and family. Some of your subscribers might not be able to benefit from what you advertise in your current newsletter, but they might know someone who can. This means they should be able to forward and share your emails with their friend and family, which might help increase your email list and bring new customers to your company through these semi-referrals.

Using Beehiiv can make your email marketing efforts better than ever before. Let your entire team work together to create the ideal message for your email list.

This post may contain affiliate links. Meaning a commission is given should you decide to make a purchase through these links, at no cost to you. All products shown are researched and tested to give an accurate review for you.

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