Driving Safety

Driving Safety
AWD vs 4WD: How Much Traction Do You Really Need?
You might think that AWD and 4WD are interchangeable terms, but they actually describe very different drivetrains. Most people consider one or the other when they expect to drive off-road or they simply want more traction for dealing with slippery roads.
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Driving Safety
Honda’s Proactive Approach to Addressing Product Recalls
Typically, product recalls in the automotive world are a reactionary venture, with the NHTSA compelling automakers to issue safety recalls for various reasons.
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Driving Safety
Hybrid and PHEVs
Unlock More Electric Miles in Your Plug-in Hybrid with These Tips
Can you squeeze more electric driving range out of your plug-in hybrid vehicle? Here are a few tips to help you get more miles from the PHEV batteries.
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Driving Safety
What States Do the Worst Drivers Come From?
Recently, fatal car accidents have been on the rise, but these accidents are more common in some states than others. What staes have the worst drivers?
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